You’ve got a face not spoiled by beauty
I have some scars from where I’ve been
You’ve got eyes that can see right through me
You’re not afraid of anything they’ve seen
I was told that I would feel nothing the first time
I don’t know how these cuts heal
But in you I found a rhyme

If there is a light you can’t always see
And there is a world we can’t always be
If there is a dark that we shouldn’t doubt
And there is a light, don’t let it go out

And this is a song, song for someone
This is a song, song for someone

You let me in to a conversation
A conversation only we could make
You break and enter my imagination
Whatever’s in there it’s yours to take
I was told I’d feel nothing the first time
You were slow to heal but this could be the night

If there is a light you can’t always see
And there is a world we can’t always be
If there is a dark within and without
And there is a light, don’t let it go out

And this is a song, song for someone
This is a song, a song for someone

And I’m a long long way from your Hill of Calvary
And I’m a long way from where I was and where I need to be
If there is a light you can’t always see
And there is a world we can’t always be
I know there are plenty of reasons to doubt,
But if there is a light, don’t let it go out.


I’m a cynic by nature but also an optimist with a sentimental side and a weakness for Chicken Soup for the Soul type offerings. One of my cheesy indulgences is spiritual messages from the rock band U2. U2’s not shy about their faith and following them gives many Easter egg moments as they hide their testimonies of God in various songs and lyrics in each album they release.
Song for Someone from their new album (you know that one they put on your iphone everyone complained about) is a beautiful song illustrating a relationship with God. Where one enters the relationship with scars and doubt and finds hope for healing and enters an ongoing relationship and conversation with God.  Bono sings it with so much passion and intimacy in this version.



I especially love the line “you were slow to heal, but this could be the night.”


In live versions, Bono has replaced the last two lines with:
I know there are plenty reasons to doubt,
but if there is a light, don’t let it go out
My faith is not strong, but it’s there. There is a light. My faith in, hope for and relationship with God is a very personal thing. I long for him, yet I don’t always feel him. Similar to the plea of the father in the New Testament. I believe. Help thou mine unbelief.
My relationship with the LDS church is similar. In it I find truth and beauty. The church facilitates my faith and hope in God and provides nurturing for that relationship. I know a lot of people are suffering over the new policy on gays. I don’t think it’s right. I hope it will change. But this is my church. This is our church. It’s up to us as the Body of Christ to make it right, and I trust that we will over time.
I’m going to go to church today. Dress up in my Sunday best. Fight with my kids to get ready on time, find my spot in the back where we won’t make as much of a scene when my wife scolds me when I get bored and pull out my phone. Wonder cynically why I come at all.
But I know I’ll have that moment. I’ll have that moment, when I look down the aisle at my wife and kids and I look across the congregation and up at the bishopric on the stand, and I will feel that tug of my heart that we are there with a common purpose to connect with God and serve each other. We’re not there to hate on gays or prove silly correlations between the Book of Mormon and ancient Mesoamerica.
We’re there to offer ourselves. Offer our hearts. Ask our God for healing for ourselves or family or loved ones. Offer fellowship and service to our fellow members of the Body of Christ. Mourn with those who mourn. Step out of our crazy, stressful lives for just a moment to connect with the divine. We’re there to sing our own Song for Someone. I need you God, I know you can heal me. Will this be that day?
I have plenty of reasons to doubt. But there is a light. I won’t let it go out.

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