For my Sunday reading blog post, I’m sharing a story forwarded to me by a family member recently.   I work where there is a little duck pond. We have all kinds of ducks and geese living there—mostly domesticated. They get used to people feeding them and don’t behave like normal ducks and […]

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  I’ve been following a few discussions on the Mormon Discussions board the last few day on the topic of ‘New Mormonism‘. These spawned from a post on the Ex-Mormon reddit board called ‘I don’t recognize this new version of Mormonism.’ I was born in the 1970s. I was molded by prophets like Benson and […]

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Dan Peterson on his blog, posted a review from John Gee of the book From Darkness unto Light, Joseph Smith’s translation and publication of the Book of Mormon by Michael MacKay and Gerrit Dirkmaat.  From John Gee: Richard Bushman’s discussion of the Book of Mormon in Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism was really […]

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  Belief as a choice is a trending topic within the LDS world. Presumably this is the response to the many undergoing faith crisis as difficult facts about LDS historical origins are being publicized as of late. It feels like the believers are pointing fingers at non-believers, saying ‘You chose not to believe!’ implying some […]

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Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, Follow the prophet; don’t go astray. Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, Follow the prophet; he knows the way.   Manipulative, mind control exercises on poor, unsuspecting members? or Expression of unity through a calculated, informed decision by a community of worshipers?   I’m been forcing myself to write […]

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I listened to the Mormon Stories podcast with John Delhin interviewing Zelph on a Shelf bloggers Tanner Gilliland and Samantha Snyder.  I have to admit I went into the podcast, looking to find fault in Tanner and Samantha.  I’ve read the Zelph on a Shelf blogs and sometimes I feel they’re a bit snarky and […]

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I got a chance to watch the play Ideal Husband at Utah Valley University over the weekend. I enjoyed the acting very much. Kudo’s to the youth of our community and the talent and creativity they have. It’s playing through Oct. 10. Check it out. You won’t be disappointed. The play was written in […]

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Dan Wotherspoon at Mormon Matters recently released a podcast on evaluating Mormon history with guests Lindsay Hansen Park, Brian Whitney, and Jon Grimes. I recommend listening to this discussion of Mormon history and some of the issues surrounding the CES Letter. Dan Wotherspoon: We’re setting up ourselves to fail. Of course we’re in this dilemma. […]

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  Joshua 24:15 15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Along my faith journey about […]

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