This is my first blog post in about three months. That’s the longest dry spell since I first put up my personal website and started blogging in September 2015. I have huge motivation and ambitions related to making a positive impact in the LDS faith crisis world, but that motivation wanes, and combined […]

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The Maxwell Institute is producing fantastic work, exploring LDS scripture and theology from a scholarly perspective. They are patterning the work B.H. Roberts invited us all to do.   ‘I believe ‘Mormonism’ affords opportunity…for thoughtful disciples who will not be content with merely repeating some of its truths, but will develop its truths …The Prophet […]

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    Last week, I posted about Scott Gordon’s presentation at FairMormon on the CES Letter. I’ll repeat that here, but I want to focus on my thoughts prompted by a comment in that thread. Scott got emotional and choked up while talking about the effectiveness of this document as an “anti-Mormon” proselyting tool and […]

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  I missed the FairMormon conference last week but caught the streaming. You can still purchase the streaming option for $30 and watch all the presentations.   Here is a summary of selected presentations. Don Bradley — Joseph Smith’s First Vision as Endowment and Epitome of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (or Why I […]

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  I was tagged in a post on a Facebook thread by Bill Reel where he asked: For believers, how do you solve the Lucy Walker conundrum. Do you choose to believe Joseph Smith lied to Lucy about what God told him OR Do you believe God encouraged Joseph to get sealed/married/Have sex with a […]

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  Welcome to the first blog edition of Rob’s Take. Rob’s Take first started when as a college student and still living at home, I shared a bedroom with my younger brother and would stay up late providing my opinion on various subjects like BYU football, Ross Perot, what girls like, who would in fight […]

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  Last year, FairMormon had a big win for their organization when LDS General Authority Kevin Pearson came to speak at their conference and endorsed them. I consider myself an LDS Apologist. I was moved by Elder Pearson’s words at that conference as he encouraged all LDS with the ability to act on their own […]

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