An Easter message for the doubter. Christmas (see here for my Christmas for the doubter essay) and Easter are two deeply meaningful days for Christians to spiritually connect with their Savior Jesus Christ. Going through faith deconstruction made those two days especially difficult for a few years until my faith reconstruction helped me piece it […]

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Here are my charts for the LDS Membership Statistics Report, updated with the numbers reported March 31, 2018. These statistics are for calendar year 2017. See last year’s statistical report here.   Total membership: 16,118,169 Stakes: 3,341 Wards and Branches: 30,506 New children of record during 2017: 106,771 Converts baptized during 2017: 233,729 Full-time Missionaries: […]

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A recent article from Ben Shapiro on Daily Wire discussed youth suicide. The alarming statistic is that from 2006 to 2016 in the U.S., teen suicide increased 70%. Additionally, suicide across all ages in the most recent statistical year, 2016, was at a 30 year high. In our community, we have discussed the alarming nature of Utah’s […]

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    In latest podcast episode from Jordan Peterson, he answers a question on religion fundamentalism that relates to Mormonism and the faith crisis and reconstruction topic I talk about.  Sorry to Dr. Daniel Peterson for the opportunistic use of you representing the Fundamentalist Mormon Apologists, I couldn’t resist the play on the two Petersons.   […]

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I’ve been making notes on Book of Mormon geography for the purpose of making an extended analysis of it. I’ve got a 30 page Word doc now documenting the BOM verses that cover the geography, along with summaries of various theories. It’s very interesting to me, but I haven’t taken the time to put it […]

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